Building a Sustainable Writing Practice, 2 hours workshop, Lilydale library, 2 April at 11am.
Creating Compelling Characters, 1.5 hours workshop, Cheltenham library, 29 April.
Short Story Writing, 2 hours workshop, Williams Landing library, 10 May.
Deepening Your Work Through Revision advanced masterclass, 4 days at Mittagong writers retreat.
Writing as a Jew, a 5 week course at Jewish Museum of Australia, starting on 12 August, Melbourne.
Deepening and Polishing Your Fiction or Narrative Nonfiction Manuscript, 5 weeks course, Lamm library, starting on 10 November, Melbourne.
Write What Makes You Blush – for memoir writers at all levels, via Kill Your Darlings.
Developing Your Voice in Fiction and Nonfiction – for writers at all levels, via Writing NSW.
Mastering Emotional Honesty – for writers of fiction and creative nonfiction at all levels, via Kill Your Darlings.
Introduction to Memoir – a short (and cheap!) webinar via Writers Victoria.
Building Sustainable Writing Practices – for writers at all levels and in all genres, via Kill Your Darlings.