I’m lucky that Imperfect: How bodies shape the people we become has featured a lot in the media. You can find review quotes on the book’s page, and here are some of the other media highlights.
The Conversation Hour with Jon Faine and his co-host Jane Clifton, and alongside Christos Tsiolkas.
Conversations with Sarah Kanowski.
The Garret: Writers On Writing
Readings Podcast with Andy Jackson and Chris Gordon
RRR Breakfasters with Jeff Sparrow, Sarah Smith & Geraldine Hickey
Sunday Brunch with Lish Frejer on ABC Canberra
What To Read in 2019, SMH and The Age
From the Lighthouse podcast (Macquarie University)h
Bookmark This at The Guardian
You can read articles I wrote about Imperfect in the Fairfax Press and Whimn.

And here is an article about Imperfect from The Big Issue 25.1.19.
Interview in Other Terrain journal
Mentions on ABC’s The Bookshelf show: March 2019 & May 2019.
Q&A on Feminist Writers Festival