Afternoons with Jacinta Parsons, ABC (I’m towards the end of recording, at 2 hours & 17 minutes).
So You Want to Be a Writer podcast interview
The Mystery of Creativity episode, God Forbid ABC podcast
Take Me to Your Reader on JoyFM
James and Ashley Stay at Home podcast
Book Chat at Melbourne Jewish Book Week Youtube
Thursday Bookclub video interview
Writes4Women podcast interview
Thirty Books video podcast interview
Interview in Australian Jewish News
A mention on The First Time Podcast at the 38 minutes mark.
Excerpt from the book on Good Reading
A mention on James & Ashley Stay at Home podcast at 41 minutes mark.
Discussion of my book on Secrets from the Green Room podcast roughly the first 10 minutes.
Interview on Shtick TV program
Talking to the Max, J-Air, 11/5/22
Excerpt from The Writer Laid Bare published in Weekend Australian.