The novel The Hot Guy started out as a joke. My co-author Mel Campbell and I are both film reviewers, and we often go together to preview screenings as part of our job. One day we started talking, jokingly, about …
The writer laid bare
And More on Failure
Last month I blogged about the importance of failure for writers arguing that failure is (unfortunately…) an intrinsic, and healthy, part of the writing process. In my experience at least, feeling like I was a failure while I wrote my …
A wonderful article in The Age about my friend and mentor Peter Bishop who just launched an imprint of books by ‘literary writers’ with Ventura Press. The Dangerous Bride is in there too. Read it here.…
Bringing the dead to life: A guest post by Kelly Gardiner
I write about dead people.
Not ghosts. At least, not so far. I write fiction set in the past. It’s not the smartest career move, to be honest, but apparently I can’t help it. Historical fiction requires years of meticulous …
I’ll be traveling to Sydney in September to teach a memoir workshop at NSW Writers’ Centre. Will love to see those of you who may be interested. More details are here.
Fail Better
Recently I came across an intriguing quote about the nature of artistic process by William Bailey, a notable visual artist. Apparently he said: ‘I believe that every painter is in a state of continual failure.’ At first I was puzzled, …