This year Melbourne added yet another literary festival to its already busy calendar – the biannual Melbourne Jewish Writers Festival, held at the end of May. For a new festival, its program was surprisingly rich and ambitious, with many Melbourne-based …
A Guest Post from Charles Bane, a Poet Laureate of Florida: What I Have Learned From Writing Poetry
My phone rang three weeks ago, and I was informed that I’d been nominated to serve as the next Poet Laureate of Florida, where I live with my wife and son. When I hung up, I turned and glanced, for …
Why do I write about strawberries?
‘What is the most necessary thing for a writer?’ I often ask in my writing classes. ‘A publishing contract,’ an occasional smartass might reply. Mostly, though, I get sound answers: a voice, a good ear for dialogue, a compelling narrative. …
A Guest Post by One of the More Esteemed Australian Editors, Nadine Davidoff: Editor at Work
Australian author Michelle de Kretser once said that her excitement at receiving a publishing contract is not so much due to the promise of being published, but the pleasure of being edited. ‘No-one, not even my own mother, will read …
What am I writing now? Writing Process Blog Chain.
I’ve been invited to participate in a Writing Process Blog Chain where writers who blog describe their current writing process by responding to a standard questionnaire. Belinda Castles, who writes wonderfully lyrical novels and whose lovely company I enjoyed during …
A guest post by Kathryn Ledson, the author of Erica Jewell series: How I became an author
I hadn’t considered the question of what led me to become an author until I was asked it by some of my readers. And then, as I mentally retraced my steps over the five decades of my life before getting …
Writing unfaithfully
To my mind, the craft of writing resides not in formulaic rules (e.g. ‘don’t use any adverbs’ or ‘no more than one adjective per noun’), but in that elusive process when our innermost, vaguest dreaming eventually shapes itself into a …
A Guest Blog Post by Susan Blumberg-Kason, American memoirist, on learning not to hold back in writing.
Six years ago I started writing a memoir about my marriage to a man from central China and how I thought I would thrive in this cross-cultural marriage. But I soon realized that my years of studying China and Mandarin …
The book that changed my (writing) life
All serious writers I know can name literary influences that have shaped their emotional landscapes, linguistic sensibilities, writing themes, literary tastes and perhaps even worldviews.
British novelist Ian McEwan, for example, cites Phillip Larkin’s poetry as his major influence, saying …
A Guest Blog Post by Stuart Beaton: Teaching writing in China
A few years ago, I had a weekly column in China Daily, the Chinese Communist Party’s English Language newspaper, in which I gently poked fun at a number of things that I saw in everyday life here in Tianjin. At …