Writer’s block, as I discussed in my previous post, is a common, and debilitating, phenomenon among writers. The good news is it is possible to fight this condition, but the trick is to find what works for each of us. …
The writer laid bare
The popular blogger Karen Andrews began a podcast series that is interviews with creative people. In her recent podcast she spoke with me about such stuff as favorite books, how my childhood shaped my creativity and more.…
The challenges of writing historical fiction: a guest post by Linda Weste
Recently I gave a reading from Nothing Sacred, a work of historical fiction set in late Republican Rome, in Canberra, at the once-residence of historian Manning Clark whose A History of Australia is regarded as the best-known general history of …
This week began wonderfully with the simultaneous (!) arrival of the new issue of The Big Issue with my short memoir in it + just printed copies of the forthcoming anthology I co-edited with Maria Katsonis. Can it get better?…
The Myth, or Reality, of Writer’s Block
Ten years ago I was awarded my first writing residency in Australia. At that time I was living at a crazy pace, juggling several jobs, studying for my MA and trying to write a novel. Oh, and I had a …
WRITING AS PLAY: a guest post by Perle Besserman
Question: What did William Shakespeare, Friedrich Schiller, and Karl Marx have in common?
Answer: They all regarded play as the most exalted of human activities.
Two of these men were among the greatest poets England and Germany ever produced, and …