My novella The Door is inspired by my friend Shane Jones’s painting of a very realistic door. It hung in the stairwell of his home when I went there for dinner one evening. At first, I thought he had added …
The Writer Laid Bare
The Uncertain Critic: A guest post by Tali Lavi
It took me some time to find my way into this profession. There was the business of a certain letter which I wrote in my thirties asking for reviewing work, which was addressed to the editor of a prestigious literary …
Conflicted About Conflict: A Guest Post by Monique Mulligan
In real life, conflict makes me anxious. It’s more than discomfort, a natural by-product of conflict, but a deep-down anxiety: a rat nibbling the insides of my gut.
I don’t run from conflict and I’m not a pushover. But when …
Builders and Renovators
This morning my children aren’t home. Instead of seizing this precious time to write, I watered the plants in the back and front yards. I noticed that my favorite, blood-red, geranium needs to be dead-headed, and that the golden hibiscus …
Writing Sex Should Be (Un)Easy: A Guest Post by Paul Dalgarno
‘Everything is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.’ Oscar Wilde.
Writing sex should be easy. Few people of adult age would be unfamiliar with the basics, and there’s (surely) a finite range of variables to the act itself. …
What kind of writer am I? A Guest Post by Tobias McCorkell
After two-and-a-half years writing a memoir about my childhood and adolescence, I had what I can only describe as a ‘creative meltdown’. A sort of short-lived nervous breakdown induced by artistic failure. It happened during the Easter long-weekend in 2018 …