A super-talented surrealist artist from Queensland, Eric Morgan, decided to paint my portrait, as inspired by his reading of my memoir The Dangerous Bride. I am really moved by his response to my book. What you see here is …
The writer laid bare
Being a writer & an earner: an oxymoron? A Guest Post from Naomi Stekelenburg
“I don’t look poor, so everyone believes I’m wealthy,” my grandmother said to me one day. And it was true. She wore beautiful fabrics and her hair was always set. Chic, I think, would be a word you’d use to …
What I’ve been doing writing-wise lately
Six months after giving birth to my second child, blogging now feels just as exhilarating and subversive as sneaking out of the house after 6pm with a small handbag that contains no nappies. Ah, the extravagant (guilty) pleasures of early …
Now this is truly exciting! The cover of the anthology of Australian female memoir Rebellious Daughters, which I’m co-editing with the author Maria Katsonis, is finally ready! The book will be out in August but already I can look …
Showing-and-hiding Emotions in Memoir: A Guest Post from Josianne Behmoiras
Some memoirs are written from the bottom of a heart that has been burdened with an unresolved story. Such was my memoir, Dora B (reprinted with a new title, My Mother Was a Bag Lady), in which I wrote …
So recently I blogged about writing in cafes, and then an American writer who read that post and who blogs about writers writing in cafes (!) asked to interview me and to have my photo where I’m seen writing in …