I’ll be speaking with the author Krissy Kneen about my memoir The Dangerous Bride in Brisbane’s beloved bookshop Avid Reader on 13.10 at 6pm. Details are here: http://avidreader.com.au/index.php?option=com_registrationpro&view=event&Itemid=136&did=471
Will love to see you there!…
The writer laid bare
I’m so excited that Readings included The Dangerous Bride amongst their October highlights
Also, the first review of The Dangerous Bride is out and it makes me blush
Pre-publication Blues
Six copies of ‘The Dangerous Bride’ recently arrived in my house. It took me five years to write this memoir and then I waited more than a year for the publication to happen, and here it is – printed. The …
I’m very pleased to announce that a writer I mentored through Writers Victoria, Bambi Smyth, is about to release in October her travel memoir ‘Men on the Menu’ via Five Miles Press. More details about Bambi are here http://www.bambismyth.com.au/…
A Guest Post by Susan Wyndham, the literary editor of SMH: On Not Writing a Novel
I am writing a novel. I have been writing it for five years. But most of the time I write it in my head. Does this sound familiar? Am I just another wannabe novelist who talks big but will never …
That Damn First Draft
Now that my memoir The Dangerous Bride is finally printed and about to be released in a month, I am at work on my new writing plans. I always need lots of plans to produce a little something. Making plans …